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The newly-elected Archbishop Makarios of Australia


On August 3,  the newly-elected Archbishop Makarios of Australia will assume office and his goal is to keep the flame of Orthodoxy burning

A brilliant man, with excellent studies, theological and related to bioethics and ethics in science, the new Archbishop of Australia, is expected to join the faithful Orthodox Christians and to keep the Archdiocese of Australia closely united. The new Archbishop of Australia Makarios who was supported by the Ecumenical Patriarch  Bartholomew and was unanimously elected by the Holy and Sacred Synod was born in Heraklion, Crete in 1973. He studied at the Higher Ecclesiastical School of Athens and the Theological School of the National and Kapodistrian  University of Athens and holds three master's degrees: In Christian Ethics from the Boston University, in History of Science from Harvard University and in Bioethics from Monash University. In 2002 he was awarded his doctorate in medicine with distinction from the Medical School of Crete for his thesis on: “Cloning: Therapeutic and reproductive prospects and its possible consequences."

His joined the Church hierarchy in October 1993, when he was ordained a Deacon. He then became Elder, Archimandrite, Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne at the Phanar, he also served the Archdiocese of Crete and then the Church of Estonia, where he organized the catechism and theological work of the Church.

The new Archbishop of Australia  Makarios invited the Archbishop of Crete, and through him, all the bishops of the island, to build together a large "bridge" that will unite the island with Australia. In his address, he said "Our aim is to give and to take. To become better ", while for the Greeks of Australia he said that "the people living here, the Greek expatriates of Australia are very blessed. The fourth generation of Greeks still speak the Greek language and honor the traditions and customs of their place of origin." His inauguration is expected Saturday, August 3, 2019.

Source: Dogma, Kathimerini, Kriti TV

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